Recipes, Please….

I’m going to do something a little different for this blog post…instead of sharing one of MY favorite recipes, I’m going to ask you, dear reader, to share one of yours. 🙂
With the advent of fall, and cooler temperatures, I love to make soups for supper, so I’m looking for some new recipes to try.
I like quick & easy soups, made with everyday pantry staples, and I’m not opposed to using convenience products [canned/frozen veggies, canned cream soups, canned broth]. Recipes that do well in a slow cooker are favorites, too. So are ‘dollar-stretcher’ recipes, especially given the rising cost of groceries in today’s economy.
So, come on, reader-chefs, share your favorite soup recipes with us…one of them just might become our new favorite soup, too!

1 thought on “Recipes, Please….

  1. This is one of my go to recipes.

    Curry Chicken makes 4 to 6 servings
    3 tablespoons olive oil
    1 small onion, chopped
    2 cloves garlic, minced
    3 tablespoons curry powder
    1 teaspoon paprika
    1 bay leaf
    1/2 teaspoon grated fresh ginger root
    1/2 teaspoon sugar
    salt to taste
    2 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves – cut into bite-size pieces
    1 cup plain yogurt
    1 half to 1 can of coconut milk.
    1. Heat olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Cook the chicken pieces low and slow until they are about half way done. Remove the chicken from the pan. In the same pan saute onion until lightly browned. Stir in garlic, curry powder, paprika, bay leaf, ginger, sugar and salt. Continue stirring for 2 minutes. Add yogurt, and coconut milk. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 10-15 minutes.

    Serve over rice.. It is really nice with a lime cilantro yogurt.. I often use half the coconut milk in the curry and half in the rice. Lightly sauteed Cauliflower and Zucchini make nice additions.

    Tip….to always have fresh ginger on hand, keep your unpeeled root in the freezer. When you need it just grate the desired amount and pop the root back in the freezer!

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